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But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it,

and by persevering produce a crop. - Luke 8:15

Lifelong Faith Formation

We offer faith formation for K-8th Grade, Adults and for those seeking to join the faith - the RCIA! 

Contact the Parish Center for more information.  Or contact Maryann Tyrer at

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord


K-8 Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation:

  • Registration online for next year is now open at

  • Please remember that two years of religious education or Catholic school participation is required for reception of First Communion (in 2nd grade or older), or for Confirmation (8th grade or older.) Ideally, children are also enrolled in religious education during the “in-between years” and not just for sacramental preparation.

  • Participation in Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass as a family is expected, and is an essential part of faith formation and sacramental preparation! We schedule Religious Education on Sunday morning in between the 10am and 12noon Masses to make it easy to participate in Sunday Mass.

  • Sessions resume with our Welcome Back Family Picnic on September 17!


Adult Sacraments of Initiation (RCIA)

  • Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic? Or are you a baptized Catholic who has not yet celebrated First Communion or Confirmation? You, and your questions, are warmly welcomed! Come and share the journey with others. Please contact Maryann Tyrer at to discuss our adult initiation process (commonly known as the RCIA).


Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

  • Our Sunday afternoon Adult Faith Formation will resume in the fall with an Open House on September 10. Use our 5-Minute Jesus as a way of preparing for each Sunday’s Scriptures throughout the summer. 5-Minute Jesus can be found every week in the bulletin, on our website, and on our social media platforms (stelmo79).

  • Men’s Faith Sharing – our Group of Guys meet on Tuesdays at 12noon in the Parish Center – Please register online at, or call 212-288-6250 so we have a head count to prepare materials. This group will continue to meet through the summer.

  • Theology Thursdays will resume in the fall with more Adult Faith Formation opportunities. Keep Thursday evenings clear beginning September 21 – we will have lots of classes, discussions, and programs happening throughout the year!



Help Wanted!

Catechists, assistants, and other volunteers needed for Sunday morning K-8 Religious Education, for Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 10am Sunday Mass, for High School Youth Ministry (1st Saturdays after the Family Mass), and for Adult Faith Formation and Adult Initiation (Sunday afternoons). Email Maryann at to inquire!

EV RCIA 2022.jpg

T (212) 288-6250

F (212) 570-1562​


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© 2025 The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Monica, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Stephen of Hungary. All rights reserved.

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